Emissions Experts
is a leading brokerage and consulting firm specializing in environmental credit markets.
Our Services
We assist clients with purchasing and selling environmental credits by providing first rate trade execution with industry leading market knowledge. We assist in every step of the process including trading strategy development, execution, and ensure completion of transactions.
Emissions Experts provide customized high level advisory on revenue generating opportunities with environmental credits, for example, generating emission reduction credits from facility shutdowns or installing pollution control divisions as well as operating electric forklifts in California to earn Low Carbon Fuel Standard Credits. We also advise on the liabilities associated with regulatory compliance, for example, carbon cap and trade programs in California and Washington.
Historical Price Data
Looking for historical pricing data? Emissions Experts tracks hard to find historical pricing data for environmental markets. Please reach out with data request and we can discuss pricing and options.
California Carbon Cap and Trade Program
Carbon Offset Markets
Cross State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR) Program
Emission Reduction Credits (ERCs): NOx, VOC, PM, Sox
Houston-Galveston-Brazoria (HGB) MECT NOx and HRVOC Programs
Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) Programs
Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) Program
Regional Clean Air Incentives Market (RECLAIM)
Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) Programs
Renewable Identification Numbers (RINs) in Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) Program
Washington Cap and Invest
Who we are
About Us
Emissions Experts Inc is a leading brokerage and consulting firm specializing in environmental credit markets. Emissions Experts Inc is dedicated to supporting businesses with brokerage and consulting services as they navigate the complexities of the ever-changing landscape of the environmental trading markets. For more information about Emissions Experts Inc and its services, please visit www.emissionsexperts.com or call 713-385-3321
Emissions Experts matches industry leading market knowledge with first rate trade execution.

Key Personnel

President and Founder
Mike Taylor is President and Founder of Emissions Experts which is a leading environmental credit brokerage and consulting firm. Mike has over twenty four years trading, brokering and consulting on environmental credit markets. He has transacted over two billion dollars worth of credits in his career as well as been quoted in numerous publications including CNBC, Fortune, Los Angeles Times and Bloomberg. He is a best selling author with a published book on carbon cap and trade programs.
General Counsel
Cliff Walston is General Counsel of Emissions Experts Inc. He is a partner at Walston / PC. He graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with honors from the Business Honors Program at the McCombs School of Business. Cliff then went on to graduate from the University of Texas School of Law, also with honors. He has been practicing law for over 20 years.

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